How to Develop a Safety Checklist for Your Scissor Lifts

While many construction projects are completed on the ground, your workers will often need to carry out critical tasks on elevated platforms. From installing structural support beams to repairing loose fittings, work done off the ground is an essential part of any project.

The wide and stable space that scissor lifts provide makes them useful in many different settings. However, you still need to adhere to safety processes that will help avert any potential accidents. Developing a safety checklist also helps you keep your scissor lift in good condition while catching operational issues in advance. Here's how you can develop a reliable safety checklist.

1. Check the operating environment

Perhaps the most common cause of scissor lift accidents is the operating environment. Unstable ground, loose power lines and nearby physical features may cause your scissor lift and working environment to become unsafe. This is why you should begin every working session by inspecting the surroundings and making sure that your machine is on stable ground. You may need to purchase or hire a smaller lift for tight working spaces.

2. Test the brakes and emergency stop functions

Every industrial machine has emergency safety features in case something goes wrong. For example, scissor lifts come with brakes, failsafe hydraulic systems and emergency stop functions for their elevated work platforms.

All critical safety features should be checked before the machine is operated. Regular checks will avert any potential accidents and keep your workers safe whenever they're on the job.    

3. Train your employees

Every worker who will be operating your scissor lifts should be appropriately trained. They should be aware of basic operational procedures, maintenance and manufacturer specifications. In this way, your employees will adhere to high safety standards whenever they're working on the scissor lift's platform.

4. Check battery charge levels

Many scissor lifts can be charged to operate on battery power for a specific period. You should ensure that your battery is adequately charged before you take it out for use. If you notice that the battery doesn't hold enough power, it may need maintenance to diagnose the underlying issue. For example, your battery terminals could be corroded or the connectors worn out. If the scissor lift is old, your battery may also need to be replaced.  

5. Check the safety lights

If your machine will be used in dimly lit areas, you should check the safety lights to ensure that they're working as expected. Safety lights on scissor lifts can help you identify hazardous objects within the operating environment.   

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From Big Machines to Tiny Washers: Industrial Equipment and Supplies

In an industrial setting, almost all the supplies and equipment are critical. For example, a large piece of machinery may be essential to daily operations, but that machine may malfunction if it's missing a tiny screw, or a hose, or a washer. In this blog, I plan to write about all kinds of industrial equipment and supplies, from the biggest items to the tiniest items. I hope to include posts on purchasing industrial equipment for your business, maintaining that equipment and preserving your safety. Please, take a look around, and read these posts. I hope they make your job or your business safer, more productive and more enjoyable.



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